Lace Lockable Bag Red by Brigitta

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Organize yourself with this Storage Bag, designed for those who admire the emotions of passion, love, and elegance. The quality quilted embossed patent material displays a luxurious design of a premium shiny faux leather bag, and the spacious compartment has a fabric lining and a nylon zip top closure for secure storage. Compile your accessories, cosmetics, and other personal belongings within and put it in your handbag. A great travel companion with its compact design, take this bag with you on all your adventures. Its excellent for those who often travel for work or those that appreciate a luxury look to compliment your other belongings of grand style.

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Store Availability:

Balcatta - Plenty in stock
Cnr Wanneroo/Amelia - 9344 6162

Gosnells - Plenty in stock
2292 Albany Hwy - 9398 9441

Midland - Plenty in stock
350 Gt Eastern Hwy - 9274 5269

Canning Vale - Plenty in stock
177 Bannister Rd - 9455 1969

Clarkson - Plenty in stock
Unit 3, 1868 Marmion Ave - 9408 6373

Online - Plenty in stock

The availabilities above are in real-time, and while every effort is made to ensure accuracy, you should check with the store.

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