Touch Me

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Tease and tantalize your lover with the ultimate erotic Touch Me card game. This raunchy adult game is designed for 2 adult players and involves testing your memories and desires to earn sexy, sensual rewards. Play the arousing and exciting game during foreplay action and extend your pleasure long after the game is over. The card game comprises of 3 decks of Touch Me cards and a rule booklet.

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California Exotics

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Store Availability:

Balcatta - A few in stock
Cnr Wanneroo/Amelia - 9344 6162

Gosnells - A few in stock
2292 Albany Hwy - 9398 9441

Midland - A few in stock
350 Gt Eastern Hwy - 9274 5269

Canning Vale - A few in stock
177 Bannister Rd - 9455 1969

Clarkson - A few in stock
Unit 3, 1868 Marmion Ave - 9408 6373

Online - Plenty in stock

The availabilities above are in real-time, and while every effort is made to ensure accuracy, you should check with the store.

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