Autoblow Silicone Vagina Sleeve White

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Wanna blow hard with AI assistance? Autoblow A.I.'s sleeve system lets you turn your blowjob machine into a sex machine by simply swapping sleeves. Don't like mouths? Put in a vagina sleeve and enjoy the specially designed interior texture. Not a fan of the vagina? No sweat, pop in the tight smooth anus and do your anal thing. All Autoblow A.I. sleeves are made from totally body-safe silicone, which means they feel just like flesh, are non-porous, are completely odourless, and will last a very long time. Autoblow A.I. is currently the only sex toy for men utilising real silicone sleeves and you'll notice the difference immediately.

Product ID:



Total Length:

15 cm

Width of shaft:

5 cm


   1      2      3      4      5   
<<< Harder

Softer >>>



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Store Availability:

Balcatta - Out of Stock
Cnr Wanneroo/Amelia - 9344 6162

Gosnells - Out of Stock
2292 Albany Hwy - 9398 9441

Midland - Out of Stock
350 Gt Eastern Hwy - 9274 5269

Canning Vale - Out of Stock
177 Bannister Rd - 9455 1969

Clarkson - Out of Stock
Unit 3, 1868 Marmion Ave - 9408 6373

Online - Plenty in stock

The availabilities above are in real-time, and while every effort is made to ensure accuracy, you should check with the store.

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