Sophie Dee Ultraskyn Pocket Pussy

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If you're getting a bit tired of Mrs Palmer and her five sisters, you'll love Doc Johnson's latest line of Pocket Pussies. Made of signature ULTRASKYN, these pussies are plushy & smooth, squeezable, and feel oh so good. A snug little opening leads the way to an inner chamber that's open at the back end to let airflow through. Cover the opening around back with a finger to allow some seriously stimulating suction to build and build!

Product ID:



Doc Johnson


Total Length:

15 cm


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Softer >>>



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Store Availability:

Balcatta - Call for availability
Cnr Wanneroo/Amelia - 9344 6162

Gosnells - A few in stock
2292 Albany Hwy - 9398 9441

Midland - Call for availability
350 Gt Eastern Hwy - 9274 5269

Canning Vale - Out of Stock
177 Bannister Rd - 9455 1969

Clarkson - Call for availability
Unit 3, 1868 Marmion Ave - 9408 6373

Online - Plenty in stock

The availabilities above are in real-time, and while every effort is made to ensure accuracy, you should check with the store.

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