Sport Fucker Cock Plug - Black

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If fucking is your sport, Sport Fucker have got the gear you need to take your performance to the next level! The Cock Plug is perfect for beginners to sounding all the way through to pros. Made of premium silicone, its stetchy and can be used either limp or hard. Once your Cock Plug is in, you will feel how much firmer your member is and itll give you an extended and greatly intensified orgasm. The glans ring makes sure the Cock Plug stays in place, allowing you to use your hands as you please.

Product ID:



Sport Fucker



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Store Availability:

Balcatta - Call for availability
Cnr Wanneroo/Amelia - 9344 6162

Gosnells - Out of Stock
2292 Albany Hwy - 9398 9441

Midland - Call for availability
350 Gt Eastern Hwy - 9274 5269

Canning Vale - Call for availability
177 Bannister Rd - 9455 1969

Clarkson - Out of Stock
Unit 3, 1868 Marmion Ave - 9408 6373

Online - Plenty in stock

The availabilities above are in real-time, and while every effort is made to ensure accuracy, you should check with the store.

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